
Animation Reel of collected works from 2022 - 2023

 Archive of works from 2022 -2023 

 Stop Motion Final Assignment - 2023

Stop motion made in NYU's Stop Motion Class

Assignment: Create a stop motion puppet using a basic wire armature. Add foam to the armature and sculpt it to your desired shape. After the puppets are complete, one animator comes in and animates their character doing a performance. At the end of the session, this animator leaves their puppet in its last pose for the next animator. The next animator comes in, opens a new file and animates their character entering the shot and interacting with the first character. 

 Stop Motion Weight Shift Assignment - 2023

Stop motion test made in NYU's Stop Motion Class

Assignment: Film yourself standing in a full shot and then shifting your weight from one leg to the other. Afterwards, select the take that you like and using it as reference, animate the armature shifting its weight from one leg to another. 

 Stop Motion Lip Sync Assignment - 2023

Stop motion test made in NYU's Stop Motion Class

Assignment: Select a piece of dialogue that you would like to animate and use the mechanics of animating Lip-Sync to animate the clay bust acting out the dialogue you selected. Where are the percussive consonants? Think about Phrasing. 

 Stop Motion Accents Assignment - 2023

Stop motion test made in NYU's Stop Motion Class

Assignment: Select a piece of dialogue that you would like to animate and identify which words or

phrases the character is emphasizing. These will be your accents. 

 Stop Motion Walk Cycle Tests Assignment - 2023

Stop motion test made in NYU's Stop Motion Class

Assignment: Using an armature and the Mechanics of a Walk, create three distinct character performances solely based on how they travel across the screen. Who are they? Do they take up a lot of space as they move?

 Stop Motion Bouncing Balls Assignment - 2023

Stop motion test made in NYU's Stop Motion Class

Assignment: Animate the wooden ball on the Suspension Rig Arm and, using the principles of Timing and Spacing, create three distinct performances that will give us a clear idea of what material the objects are made of by how they react when being dropped.

 Stop Motion Wire Rig Assignment - 2023

Stop motion test made in NYU's Stop Motion Class

Assignment: Take the Wire Rigs provided in your Stop Motion Box and using the Principles of the Wave, Roll-Up/Roll-Down and the Whip create a performance that will have these two strands of wire relating to each other. Are they friends? Enemies What sort of personality does each strand of wire express? How does their movement express who they are and what they are feeling? 

 Mira Mis Ojos - 2023

Animated Short Film made in NYU's Intermediate Animation Class

Synopsis: A young woman visits a taxidermy shop and has a surprising discovery.

Concept Art

 Acting Final - 2023

Animation test made in NYU's Action Analysis Class

Assignment: Animate a character reacting to an unexpected surprise.

 Routine - 2023

Animation test made in NYU's Action Analysis Class

Assignment: Animate a character doing an everyday routine.

 Carnival Game - 2023

Animation test made in NYU's Action Analysis Class

Assignment: Animate a character playing a carnival game of your choice.

 Wind - 2023

Animation test made in NYU's Action Analysis Class

Assignment: Animate a character walking into a heavy wind. Part way through their walking, the wind abruptly changes direction. This should cause them to stumble and then adjust their walk for the new wind direction.

 Weight - 2023

Animation test made in NYU's Action Analysis Class

Assignment: Animate a character lifting a heavy object and placing it on a higher platform.

 Character Turnaround - 2023

Animation test made in NYU's Action Analysis Class

Assignment: Using an original character, create a full character turnaround.

 Keyframes - 2023

Animation test made in NYU's Action Analysis Class

Assignment: Choose an audio file and block out the key poses for character acting for each character in your scene.

Crying en la Lavanderia - 2022

Animated Short Film made in NYU's Intro to Animation Class

Synopsis: After observing a family doing their laundry together, a Chicana woman reflects on the cycle of abuse in Latino culture in a laundromat. 

Concept Art

 Walk Cycle Test - 2022

Animation test made in NYU's Intro to Animation Class

Assignment: Using Toon Boom Harmony, create a walk cycle test.

 Stop Motion Test - 2022

Animation test made in NYU's Intro to Animation Class

Assignment: Using Dragonframe, create a short stop motion test.

 Animation Test - 2022

Animation test made in NYU's Intro to Animation Class

Assignment: Using photoshop, create a short animation test.